Peninsula International School Australia is a partnership between Peninsula Grammar and The HCK Group. The latter is part of a diversified group, while Peninsula Grammar, previously known as The Peninsula School, is a well-known private, day and boarding school in Melbourne, Australia, set up in 1961. It also has three affiliated campuses in China and one in India. As a partner, Peninsula Grammar will help ensure that the high standards of education offered in its Australian campus is replicated in the Setia Alam and Ipoh campuses.
Primary School
The Primary School are from Foundation to Year 5. The focus is on delivering- a progressive visual learning programme which supports the students’ social and emotional development alongside a strong academic programmes with a focus on growth for each child:
- Engaging learning environments both inside and outside the classroom, fostering skills of curiosity, cooperation and creativity.
- A strong focus on Literacy and Numeracy
- Specialised Literacy support programmes ensuring that each student gets the opportunity to learn to their full potential. In some cases, this will be in the form of EAL based on the admissions assessment taken prior to joining the school
- Science and Humanities subjects are taught through an inquiry approach to learning
- Other subjects that form part of the curriculum are Music, Drama, Visual Arts, Physical Education (including swimming), French, Mandarin, Bahasa Malaysia, Agama and PHSE. Subjects are delivered through an inquiry approach using a variety of resources including technology.